Today is the day!!!

The site is finally open! 

Here's the low down on the site so far-

All the discs posted have been priced, but not everything has been photographed or 100% visually graded. I will be adding more listings and updating photos/descriptions starting Monday. But if you have any specific questions about a disc without photos/grades feel free to email me and I can put that one to the top of my list to finish! Also, any orders made will be shipped on the coming Wednesday. I will be doing all shipping on Wednesdays from here on out. 

I'm so proud of what I was able to accomplish even with the many unexpected set backs. This site has been more work than I ever could have imagined, but it is 100% a labor of love and I've been having a blast doing it.

I Lover Laserdiscs and I know you all do too! So if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas of improvements- feel free to email me! 

Thanks again to each and every person who has made a purchase and has helped me turn this great hobby into a website!

Looking forward to more LaserAdventures with you all!